
Tuesday 10 July 2012

Review // Hush, Hush - Becca Fitzpatrick

Published - 13th October 2009
Published By - Simon & Schuster
Format - Paperback 
Goodreads Synopsis - For Nora Grey, romance was not part of the plan. At least, not until Patch came along. With his easy smile and probing eyes, Nora is drawn to him against her better judgment. But after a series of terrifying encounters, Nora’s not sure who to trust—she can’t decide whether she should fall into Patch’s arms or run and hide from him. And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth more unsettling than any feeling Patch evokes. For Nora stands amid an ancient battle between the immortal and those who have fallen—and choosing the wrong side will cost her life.

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick has been sitting on my loaded shelves, and after reading a fair amount of mixed reviews I decided that it was time to just pick it up and dive in to form my own conclusions. I'm glad I did.

It took a few chapters for me to really immerse myself in the book but the concept of the novel drew me in. This was my first time reading about fallen angels and it was enjoyable! I particularly liked the suspense throughout Hush, Hush. Admittedly, the plot (more often than not) was obvious and easy to figure out where it was heading/who was behind the events but even so, the suspense kept me interested and I ended up finishing the book in just a couple of hours.

My biggest problem with Hush, Hush was the relationship between Nora and Patch. I understand that she was drawn to him despite his portrayed image but I didn't find it very realistic. I also had issues with Nora's mother. Nora loses her father before the book begins and the reader is told that Nora sees a councillor to deal with her loss, yet her mother leaves Nora home alone for days at a time. The explanation given for this just isn't good enough in my opinion. Vee's character also wasn't great. At first, I thought she was a breath of fresh air and a great contrast to Nora's personality but as the book progressed, her character became less interesting and I found myself wanting to go back to another plot line.

As a whole, I enjoyed the book and the scenes at the arcade/fairground were excellent. I loved the way the Archangel ride played out and particularly the explanation given by Patch that the higher up an angel is, the further it is to fall. This obviously plays a bigger role later on in the book but even standing alone it was a great line.

The prologue was confusing at first but Fitzpatrick cleverly explained herself later on and it was actually quite refreshing to see them link up. Most importantly, Hush, Hush made me want to read more. The next book in the series Crescendo will be on my TBR over the next few weeks i'm sure and i'm looking forward to seeing what is next for the characters involved.

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