
Sunday 4 September 2016

Charity Book Sale

Before I write the whole post, I can't name the company that I work for and so some of the pictures have had to be edited but I can say that the Charity we donate to in  is North Clwyd Animal Rescue (link here: Ncar).

I've said a few times that I work for a major UK based company and whilst that has many ups and downs, one of the big positives of working there is the work that we're able to do as a company to help local charities. The charity team in our office are always looking for new fun ways to collect money and come up with great events for everyone to take part in. I don't really blog about these because it's not really relevent to what we do here on Loaded Shelves, however, the charity event for September is a Book Sale!

I'm blogging about this for a few reasons. One is because I happily came up with the suggestion, but others are to highlight how simple it can be to collect a few donations for a charity and more relevant to the blog - it's all about the books! Throughout September, staff in my office are encouraged to bring in any unwanted books and they will go on sale for 50p each. Any books left at the end of the month along with ALL profits, will be taken directly to the NCAR charity shop so that they can benefit from any further profits.

I love love love this idea! Brianna and I (whom also works in the same office!) weren't too optimistic about being successful in the book sale as it completely relied on both the generosity of others in the office (and being able to part with precious books) but also on people wanting to buy an array of second hand books whilst at work in a busy office). I am happy to say though that so far it's been completely wonderful. There's an energy in the air that I could never have expected. It got people talking about books in general, sharing their favourite book titles and taking up the opportunity to get some good deals. My boss bought SIX books just in one day! Of course, we have to remember that it's for a great charity and so people are always more willing to spend money but it's had such a positive effect that I absolutely had to talk about it.

One of my favourite things about the book sale is seeing the types of books that people enjoy reading. Though the office is a friendly one and we overshare WAY too much with the people we work with 8 hours a day for 5 days a week - strangely books have never really been a topical subject.

I worked over time on Saturday morning and instead of the early morning grumbles, people were still talking about the book sale! It's brightened up the whole week and, on a personal note, has cleared a LOT of space on an overcrowded bookshelf ;) I'm really looking forward to seeing if it continues throughout the month and i'll let you all know how much money is raised at the end of September.

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